Basic Dance Education

DANSE GRUNDUDDANNELSE (DGU) is a specially-certified high school offering for talented and ambitions young adults from Denmark who are aiming for a professional career in dance. DGU is a certified education, making it the only one of its kind in Denmark.

With DGU, students can receive both an STX - HF - HHX high school education on par with the best high schools in the country and a preparatory basic dance education. The education is certified by the Ministry of Education and is acknowledged by the Ministry of Culture as the only basic dance education in Denmark that can educate in the areas of modern dance and classical ballet with a focus on high technical prowess and artistic creativity.

DGU is the direct route to an education as professional dancer at leading institutions in Denmark and Europe and also qualifies the student for admission to leading universities and colleges. The basic dance education prepares the student for a bachelors education in modern dance both nationally and internationally. The education lasts 4 years and and is SU qualified.

Our partner Institutions such as Odense Katedralskole and HF & VUC FYN oversees the theoretical subjects and The Royal Danish Theatres Ballet School, Odense oversees the artistic dance education. The goal of the education is to give the student a certified academic and artistic and at the same time develop him professionally for a career in dance. With DGU, the technical dance instruction is specialised and has its focus on individual coaching and development. Here is an educational environment that insures a high success rate for the student’s future involvement in professional dance educations. DGU emphasises that both dance and academics receive equal footing.
The goal for the students is that they can be accepted to leading colleges and universities both nationally and internationally.

DGU history

As a starting point, it is the faculty at Det Kongelige Teater Balletskolen Odense that takes care of the dance lessons.

During the course, high-profile guest teachers from home and abroad are invited, just as study trips to other Danish institutions and courses are arranged.

We collaborate with visiting companies, choreographers and educational institutions on teaching, workshops, lectures, meetings with the professional scenic working life, external censors, attendance at trials and internships. All to develop the students and create relationships between them and the dance industry. See a selection of the guest teachers and permanent faculty here... In doing so, we create the basis for the students to continue on advanced high-profile dance courses nationally and internationally or book-based courses either at home or abroad.

DGU seeks and strives for cultural diversity and has learned that this leads to greater creativity and innovation as well as respect for and trust in each other. Here we seek to create an education with a balance between developing the dancer, the academic and the human being in the individual, who will be able to enrich and touch the surrounding society. An education that is characterized by joy, passion and desire. We focus on 'The whole person' with a strong technical and artistic expression – an innovative dancer.

We do that, among other things through a strong individual development course for the individual student.

We are happy to give the students a chance for a national and international career and to, together with the city of Odense, be pioneers in dance and education.

Daily LIFE in DGU

The STX portion comprises a minimum of 16 class hours of 60 minutes each.  The DGU portion comprises 15 class hours of 60 minutes each, spread out over 4 years.  There are training/workshops on Saturdays, approximately once a month.  At the end of each school year, students go to an exam where they are judged by the permanent faculty and an external examiner.  They are judged based on the 7-step scale and the students receive individual coaching. At the end of the whole education, students receive a diploma with an accompanying explanation.

Dance Basic Modules

If you do not want to take an STX,  HF or a HHX, you can train in dance by taking dance modules at AMOK – Danse Grundmoduler. It gives you the opportunity to combine dance with what else you want – whether it’s work, education or something else entirely.

For example, you can combine the dance modules with 10th grade at Sports Academy DenmarK.

DGU has received permanent approval by the minister of education gold stamp for DGU

DGU started as an experimental scheme from the Ministry for Children, Education and Equality in 2014. In the autumn of 2016, the program received permanent approval as a basic dance education by the Minister for Children, Education and Equality. This means that our DGU now has the same special approval as, for example, a Team Denmark education. Only programs with this approval have the right to call themselves Dansegrunduddanelse. Danish dancers who take a DGU are thus guaranteed education in classical ballet and modern dance in the future, at the same time as they take an STX – in the heart of Odense.

With a DGU, students get both a book-based high school STX education at the level of the best high schools in the country and a preparatory dance education of the highest quality in modern dance and classical ballet, where the focus is on high technical skills and artistic creativity.

At its inception, the education was the only one of its kind in Denmark, and a great deal of pioneering work and thinking has gone into it. It is made possible through a collaboration between the leading forces within the collaboration between dance and learning.

Meet The Team

It takes a village!
We are part of a great team, which involves administration, coordination, teachers, management and much more! In addition we also have our guest teachers and guest choreographers each season.

Meet our full team here
Kompani Chef

Inge Fjord


Kunstneriske Manager

Caroline Rodrigues


Caroline Rodrigues er født og opvokset i Brasilien.
Hvorfra hun også har sin uddannelse fra bla. Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Hun er som danser og koreograf anerkendt i både Syd Amerika og Europa, og har danset med mange estimerede kompagnier så som: Ballet Jovem Minas Gerais, JundiaÍ Municipal Dance Company, Holstebro Dance Company.
Ved siden af sin professionelle karriere som danser og koreograf er Caroline Rodrigues også en dygtig og velrenommeret underviser, hvilket eleverne på Det Kongelige Teater Balletskole Odense
lige nu nyder godt af, da hun er Artistisk leder og underviser på DGU og KOMA BALLET.

Anna-Kathrine Jeppesen


Bianka Sørensen


Caroline Keinicke


Cathalina Borg


Ea Lund


Elisabeth Elfriede


Ida Marie Larsen


Josefine Tvergaard


Lilli Mikkelsen


Linne Larsen


Louise Hanfgarn


Selma Linn


Signe Sun


Sofie Kask